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Monday, January 25, 2010

Cambodia -- Prelude

For years, I have always told Hans that we should explore other parts of Asia when we visit my family in Taiwan. 
It just seems to be such a waste not to utilize Taiwan's central location as a hub to visit other Asian countries 
when we already travel 18 hours to Taiwan. 

Being a creature of habits, Hans was not keen on the idea. 
After maybe the 7th trip to Taiwan in 15 years, Hans reluctantly gave in. 
Naturally, it seems all white men have some degrees of fascination to Vietnam; it was the country he picked. 

While doing research on Vietnam, I asked my sister for suggestions since she briefly worked in Vietnam for 6 months. 
During our conversation, my sister casually mentioned that Cambodia could be a side trip. 

Out of curiosity, I googled Cambodia, and came across images of Angkor Park. 
As soon as I saw the pictures, I was sold. 

I have to see these amazing ancient temples with my own eyes.

Vietnam will just have to wait.......

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